{"id":5623,"date":"2010-09-26T10:25:02","date_gmt":"2010-09-26T17:25:02","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/discoveryfuel.com\/?p=5623"},"modified":"2012-01-05T11:07:48","modified_gmt":"2012-01-05T19:07:48","slug":"innovation-starts-with-the-artist-and-ends-with-new-science","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/discoverycolabs.com\/vicsblog\/2010\/09\/26\/innovation-starts-with-the-artist-and-ends-with-new-science\/","title":{"rendered":"Innovation starts with the artist and is followed by the scientist"},"content":{"rendered":"

\"\"<\/a>Artist Frank Chester has discovered how the heart works. It doesn’t pump blood, it ‘swirls’ blood. And is based in how the body designs itself – done using geometry (known as ‘sacred geometry’) that is mostly hidden to the common eye … including doctors. The interesting thing is that Frank is not a scientist by definition, rather he is an ARTIST. I have always believed that artists are the initiators of new innovation as they design through inspiration and passion. Once the art is realized, then the scientist grounds it in physics. Read the book Art and Physics<\/a> by Lenard Schlain and you will see what I mean. Then watch Frank’s video series below and you tell me: What does Frank’s work do for your understanding of how life works? For me, he has uncovered an amazing discovery that will fuel the future of innovation in medicine and beyond.<\/p>\n