{"id":8461,"date":"2012-06-16T12:59:10","date_gmt":"2012-06-16T20:59:10","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/discoverycolabs.com\/vicsblog\/?p=8461"},"modified":"2018-06-12T15:21:20","modified_gmt":"2018-06-12T23:21:20","slug":"sustainable-innovation-is-impossible-under-todays-monetary-system","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/discoverycolabs.com\/vicsblog\/2012\/06\/16\/sustainable-innovation-is-impossible-under-todays-monetary-system\/","title":{"rendered":"Sustainable Innovation Is Impossible Under Today’s Monetary System"},"content":{"rendered":"

\nKnowledge is power. Truth in Knowledge is Transformative.\u00a0<\/em><\/strong><\/p>\n

I’m sure I am irritating some of you with my remarks that social capitalism and sustainable business can NOT happen under the existing monetary model, which is now globally applied. I find it interesting that no one has either supported nor\u00a0refuted\u00a0this point here.<\/p>\n

However, I implore you to consider this as a an extremely important point regarding transformation and real sustainable change. If we wish to create and insert socially responsible innovations into today’s global society, then we ‘must’ also redesign the money system, along with all of our other green, clean, and socially sound cool ideas.<\/p>\n

Because money is what ties all of it together and allows for the exchange of those innovations to happen. Since the present monetary system being used for these exchanges is not itself sustainable (even mathematically it is not), then there is no way that any person, organization, or company can insert their genius products or processes into our world without the money system tainting their performance. You may see isolated successes, but if we look closely, we have all seen how 9 out of 10 of even successful inventive endeavors decay over the short or mid term. None of them sustain their power long term. Why? It’s the money.<\/p>\n

So, to build a new economy, the money system used must be new as well. It must be invented just like all the other innovations and applied. To do this, we do not have to destroy the existing one. If fact any attempt to do so would cause war and killing like never before seen. No, let’s not go there. Instead a new money system must be built in parallel with the existing world’s money system(s). Then and only then can the amazing creativity and innovations that I see crossing this colorful ‘bridge’ group can actually have a chance of sustainably changing the world for the better.<\/p>\n

The first step is to reeducate ourselves on how money actually works, because 99 out of 100 of us have no idea how it works, and in fact believe that it works differently than it really does. This is so dangerous. Knowledge is power right? But ‘truth’ in knowledge is transformative.\u00a0<\/strong><\/em>Watch these two video series below on money and educate yourself on how money really works. They have a U.S. reference, but the money model used here is global, and in fact started in Europe.<\/p>\n

After you watch the videos (note it may take a few watches to grock it), I\u00a0ask: Which of you out there are open to a dialog on the following point:<\/p>\n

All higher purpose missions that are inherent in Social Capitalism, Social Innovation, Sustainable Business, Green Technology, and Social Entrepreneurship can not be reached unless the fruit of their labors are exchanged within a new form of money system.<\/strong> \u00a0Vic<\/em><\/p>\n

The History of Money<\/a><\/p>\n