Fractal Scaling Social Innovation – Alignment with Fractal Brain Studies
The Fractal Nature of Nature
There has been talk within my Facebook ‘Social Innovation’ (SI) groups to figure out a way to scale it for growth. I proposed that we can not apply the same methods to social innovation as we have for all our other forms of innovation, as that would backlash and bring down the potential breakthroughs that SI are beginning to tap into.
The idea of ‘fractal scaling’ popped out of my brain and I’ve decided to pursue a study of its potential for us to transform our thinking and actions around social innovation. Sometimes doors open when you put a stake in the ground: Last night I finally watched a presentation that I’ve been wanting to get to forever called “2012 & the Fractal Brain Theory” where neuroscience thinker, Wai H. Tsang presents a revolutionary Fractal Theory of Brain, Mind & Consciousness that could fundamentally alter the course of human(e) progress. This is holy grail stuff.
In the video, Wai correlates new research on the brain that shows how its complexity emerges from fundamental simplicity and links it to fractal math, then eloquently takes the whole subject into a journey of spiritual awareness! Excellent. These are the kinds of people out there that I want to hang with, as his synthesis speaks of a new paradigm that is founded in ancient truths … fractal.
Moving Back into the Sacred
From this work, I believe that we will find the scaling of anything (everything?) may end up correlating with Fractal Brain Theory. If we are to innovate ourselves out of the destructive box we’re in, we will have to paradoxically enter deep into ourselves – only to find that we ‘are’ the Universe.
Sound familiar? God is within us? All is one? And all that sort? Now our technology has reached a point in its fronteer that suggest undeniable connections between spirituality and science. A sort of bounded ball of inter-twine.
The outcome is revering our creation of technology as a Sacred Act. What would our world be like from this frame of mind? How wonderful. From this work, I propose that a model of ‘fractal’ scaling for social innovation may be just what the doctor ordered, and will emerge a few of us addressing what is being presented in Wai’s video below.
It seems that complexity truly is the offspring of simplicity. And from simplicity, breeds complexity. The fractal cycle of matter, and ‘what’ matters, in this world. The future of innovation and our social well being will be founded upon this universal condition.
- Fractal Mapping Article
- Further notes on vic’s fractalation concepts
- An example of shifting from fracture-scaling to fractal-scaling food growing systems
2012 & the Fractal Brain Theory from Paradigm Shift Productions Ltd on Vimeo