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Venture Conception



Solutions for Organizational Design and Sustainable Innovation

Discovery Colabs

* What is collaborative design?
* Sustainable business created with a collaborative design facilitation process
* Organizational learning concepts applied to company development
Green Business Planning Workshops (green company development support)
Collaborative Design Facilitation (with an online, distant network focus)

See My Concept Articles Below


Recent Projects & Activities



Want to work with someone who steps beyond the ordinary? …

I often dive deep into the abyss seeking connection with something greater than my self. I love to swim in the seas of cultural mythology and global transformation. I go there because that is where new answers can be found. I am a quiet leader in my community, and a coach to social entrepreneurs who are asking to create world change. I reveal passion when another is intensely present with me, am a visionary of sorts, a social mythic, technical designer, creative innovator, and bit of a cultural misfit who can foresee new worlds to come. See my blog articles for more.


Screen Shot 2015-02-02 at 12.14.29 PMDesotelle Startups Design

Designing the look of your website is only the beginning. You’ll be surprised at what it takes to get your business going online. After all, it’s not just a website, it’s your business, which means there are many things to consider to get it right. Review below the things you need to address in the making of a good business website. Take a look at my ebusiness web design guideline and you’ll see how much is involved with these 16 items in order to do it right.

14842312-science-inventor-boy-cartoon-student-with-lab-coat-and-scientific-experiment-equipment-illustrationDiscovery Colabs

Collaborative Design Solutions Facilitated Online. Unique Online Team Collaborations. Empowering Virtual Group Conferencing. WE’RE IN THE LAB RIGHT NOW, CONJURING UP SOME MAGIC POTIONS !! What are the keys to effective collaborative design? Shared conscious exploration, identifying collective patterns, participatory soul seeking, raising personal insight and potential, using technology to transform possibility into reality, humanizing our behavior, relational over informational context.

cosmic_gc3_newOnline Facilitation Unconferences

Launched this year, it focuses on “Facilitation Across Time and Space: How to Create Change Through Virtual Environments“. As an expert in facilitation and online collaboration environments, I am helping the ‘un’conference developments. This approach is catching hold as a new way to empower participants beyond just receiving information to authoring it themselves and sharing it more powerfully. I believe it is will become one of the better frameworks to formulate new kinds of social innovation.


Founded upon the premise that apart of humanity’s trials are from a lack of deeper connection with each other before decisions and action. We provide online technology and services that help groups move together with the goal of informing better decision making through group mind. is our product; an online technology platform for advancing dialogue and connection before decisions and production.

VisionAndGuidingPrinciplesinGENuity Innovation Centers

An evolution from business/tech incubators, inGENuity is a community-based world-wide network of innovation centers committed to creating a conscious wisdom culture based in sustainable design and social innovation. The proto-type is being developed in St. Helens Oregon USA. This year we have applied for the Bucky Fuller Design Challenge Award using my whole-systems community design framework for enhanced communications – a design ecology system that improves innovation decision-making.    Join Crowdsource Fund

Eliminating Homelessness: Its mission is to reframe the focus on creating home solutions through open sourced collaboration, rather than gated groups with limited resources, to eliminate the concept of a person not having a home, as it becomes a social imperative (rather than a community problem) to heal humanity’s wounds by making sure that everyone has a home; everyone has a place in this world. Please sign up at site for updates.


ShopEverythingGreen is an eco store provider of products and services relating to the green marketplace through the selling of sustainable green product lines. It’s primary objective is to provide green consumers a one stop shop to learn about green consumerism and to offer products that meet their green shopping and purchasing needs. We only offer green products from companies going green and eco friendly companies whose focus is on manufacturing products using eco friendly materials and eco friendly technology.