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Resume of Skills



“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” – R. Buckminster Fuller  

Practical Summary of Vic’s Skill Sets

Technical Project Management, Startup Business, Green Development, Group Facilitation, eMarketing, Corporate Communications, Sustainability, Leadership Coaching, Change Management, Social Innovation, Organizational Learning, Instructional Training

Program Startup Management: Company development and technical management for entrepreneurs
Social innovation program management within startup or changing community environments

Business on the Web: Internet e-marketing, e-communications, and related marcom developments
Startups Planning – Building its online solution

Sustainable Development: Organizational restructuring for sustainability
* Sustainable innovation for today’s business

Strategic planning, group facilitation, applied organizational learning, UNconferencing
* Creating a virtual/physical UNconference and learning exchange marketplace

Corporate Communications: Human(e) social modeling and applications
Considerations for a broader thinking model in social architecture

Personal Advisor: Executive coaching, leadership, empowerment, mediation
Authentic leadership coaching for executives and managers
A twist on the idea of professionalism in leadership

Enterprise Assessment: Values mapping, staff assessments, company value proposition
* What is values mapping

Social Innovation: Product service design for social innovation, building communities of practice
Collaborative design methods for developing social innovation and social capital
Innovation is a three phase transformation process