Vic on Creative Learning
Let’s set the stage for what will be discussed here:
What does this subject have to do with anything outside of a school environment? Well allow me to elaborate …
The world has changed. Noooo, the world is not ‘about’ to change, it HAS changed. And the way we learn no longer fits into the slot of go-to-school, get a degree, then go apply what we learned. No, learning has become a frequent set of feedback loops that are built directly into real experience. So, there is no longer time to go to school and get ‘educated’ (so to speak). Thus, this part of my sustainable innovation blog is dedicated to the new ways we humans are learning. It directly links to collaborative processes, to sustainability, and is critical to developing what I call ‘next generation innovation’.
This next generation forms of innovation carry a much bigger stick in terms of what kind of knowledge capital is embedded into it. Larger questions are asked about the outcome of NGI that is inherently guiding its evolution and manifestation. So join me in this journey by jumping in, being willing to make mistakes, and staying open to other people’s views so that we can find potentially better ways for us to learn together as a now global community.