Declared ‘Critically In-Sane’
I’ve just been declared ‘critically in-sane’ by the authorities.
So you can disavow anything I say or do, as it is merely a fig-newton of my delirious irrational in-sanity-iation. You can visit me. I’ll be in padded cell # 13 talking through steel-secured cement walls to other cuckoo’s who got nested here before me. You know – the ones society locks up because they are nut cases, insane, crazy, out of touch with reality? Good thing too. This place helps to keep us nut jobs off the streets so that truly sane people can be in authority and do the great work they are doing, without a bunch of dimmed light bulbs like us getting in their way.
How hard it must be for our authorities to have cultural misfits like me hanging around them.
Well, the nice people here, the ones that wear those neat little white suits, have helped me to understand that my ’bouts of speaking truth is too painful to hear. It hurts them and I must stop. I’m really trying to stop. And my visions; seeing things and all – they are wrong, dangerous, and bad. My actions have been hurting all those good people who are running our society. I’m so sorry to have hindered their way. They are so smart and intelligent and compassionate and right. How could I have done what I did, and said what i said to them? I must be truly mad. It’s good that I’m put away now.
Funny how in-sane I’ve become over time.
I can see my craziness when I talk to my cuckoo friends in here, because they make more sense to me than the people outside. Can you imagine thinking this way? I know, probably not. That’s why I’ve been told I need a lot of help. I get scared when they tell me these things and I have to take more pills. Sure is a good thing for the medicine though. It keeps me calm and helps me to realize there is nothing I can do and that it’s alright. Everything is okay.
I see now that it’s a good thing they’ve locked us all up, cause who knows what we might have done with our feelings-of-grandeur! All those attempts to save the world, and my sick desire to change normalcy. Geeez. The world is just fine, so what was I thinking?! Can you imagine what might have happened if I were still on the streets?! OMG!
And there are so many more of me out there that will be in here soon.
I welcome your company. It’s okay. Let them bring you in to get better with me. I guess we will have to have a lot more of these places built because it seems to be like a virus or disease or something. More and more people are going crazy, just like me. I hope they find a cure for it soon.
Well, I’ve been cured and saved from my turmoil. I’m happy now.
Visiting hours end at 5pm sharp, so I can receive my pharma-cocktail, which I very much look forward to. Please don’t let them take that away. You can send me an email from my blog site here – at least until they take it down. Good thing too, because there is a lot of whacked out stuff I said on here. And the videos? – do NOT watch any of them. The things I was learning from them are very very bad.
Well, it’s cocktail time so I’m signing off now.
Sincerely from a critically in-sane person.
Vic D.
Suggestion: Consider, an early online community that is championing the change of what we call “normal” (or in – sane).
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