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* Collaborative Design, * Cultural Mythology, * Social Innovation, ** Insights
The Capital of Meaning: Using News & Social Media to Monitor a Currency’s Effectiveness
An interesting realm to look into that can be used to determine the efficacy of a currency (and/or various forms of capital) is done by monitoring news media conversations.
In this work by Joe Brewer and team, they have accrued media outlet topics tweets and found huge disconnects around common themes. The resulting diagrams show digital clusters of self-truths that create walls between each other, undermining the potential for any deeper understanding emerge and meaning-making to arise. Meaning by the way, is humanity’s primary pathway to spirituality.
One of the primary valuations of the dollar (or any currency) appears in how we connect with each other. Under today’s currency, money creates inherent competition forcing isolation of truth into bubbles of self identification and increases the desire for self-centering power, that is then used to downplay and denigrate other’s truths in the name of their own.
Imagine instead, news outlets shifting from being informational channels, to becoming a common medium (media) for integrating (rather than isolating) shared knowledge. This would allow for measurable correlations between conversational depth, monetary exchange, and world wealth (used here in its broadest meaning) to help humanity monitor its own transformation of rising (or decaying) values, where that value can only be done through second degree assessment of conversational relationships.
This approach would turn organizational ‘valuations’ (which are presently determined almost completely by dollar potential only) inside-out. Allowing for currency to return to its original intent, which was to represent the meaning (rather ‘be’ the meaning) of how we determine value in one another.
Thus, the analysis of news through social media becomes a critical tool in creating capital as a dynamic (no longer static) meaningful world.
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* Collaborative Design, * Cultural Mythology, * Leadership Ecology, * Organizational Learning, * Social Innovation, * Sustainable Development, * Workshops & Trainings, ** Insights, Favorites
Our Responsibility To ‘AWE’
This short video gives me that spinal shiver we humans get when ‘awe’ is present. When’s the last time you’ve felt it? What moves you? What draws on your desire to be in life? Who are you not to stand up to what is your own momentum into amazing, incredible, awesome!
We have a ‘responsibility to AWE’.
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* Collaborative Design, * Cultural Mythology, * Leadership Ecology, * Organizational Learning, * Social Innovation, * Sustainable Development, Favorites
Collaborative Design: Methods for Developing Social Innovation and Social Capital
How does one go about building social innovation and creating social capital?
Creating more grounded transformative work is done by formulating a collective research process that builds shared capacity. If done well, an emerging social system moves itself (self adaptive) into momentous collaborative action.
Asking powerful questions within dynamic interactive feedback loops is key to establishing a foundation for the collective to stand on. Some general advice about how to do social research is as follows:
- Inquiry: Starting everyone of my questions with ‘open ended’ question words including the 6 ‘W’s: WHY is it this way, WHAT is it exactly, (w)HOW does it work, WHO is involved, WHEN is it enacted, WHERE does it reside or show up. In this way, your research will expand from isolated assumptions into broader understandings and improve data outcomes.
- Clustering: The next step is reducing the content you have found by clustering or mapping common synergistic principles or concepts into groupings.This can often be found by creating keyword maps and phrase streams that appear and link across your data.
- Synthesizing: The last stage is integrating your results into something meaningful and valued. This happens by testing some of your new gathered insights “with others”. In other words ‘meaningfulness’ is key to a social movement and thereby social action, and this can only occur through interaction and feedback.
These are my 3 stages for developing new insight and interpretation for social innovation. They are based in the understanding of collaborative learning and design.
Next you will need to put your research to the test; not just proving whether it is true or not, but also (and even more important), using your synthesized research to enable social action – a community of practice.
A more challenging but (in my view) more fun part of development, is enabling your research into a ‘social performance’ process for creating social capital and social innovation. This is done through 3 phases as follows (note ‘phases’ are different than ‘stages’):
- Enabling a Group Intention
- Building a Value Network
- Experiencing a Community of Practice
Here is the related article that describes these phases, called Social Innovation: a 3-Phase Transformation Process.
- Bringing in sustainability into the social innovation equation
- Considerations for a broader thinking model in social architecture
- How to cross pollinate influential knowledge pods into shared teams of effluence
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- Differentiating generative dialog from discussions and debates
- Victor, victim, villain – A model for increasing humane awareness in social design
- Other articles from my blog
- Social Innovation Colab Wiki
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